> But: I have not succeeded in installing a valid LILO bootblock in the second
> disks MBR, which would allow me to trash the bootfloppy.

I usually fdisk only one of the disks and then "dd" the MBR to the other
disks - so the MBR and partitioning is really identical.

After setting up the array and installing LILO / kernel to the first disk, I
repeat this "dd" for the MBR and for the /boot partition, so that they are
identical on ALL HDDs. If the first HDD fails, the next one automagically
becomes "first" and the LILO setup on it becomes valid and operational.

> this is my fstab:
> /dev/md1                /                       ext2    defaults        1 1
> /dev/sda2               /boot                   ext2    defaults        1 1
> /dev/sda6               /tmp                    ext2 defaults        1 2
> /dev/md0                /var                    ext2    defaults 1 2
> /dev/md2                /usr                    ext2    defaults 1 2

I usually do a simple setup with:

/dev/md0       /
# md0 = raidx(sda3,sdb3,...)
/dev/sda1      /boot
# /dev/sdb1,... are manual mirrors of sda1
/dev/sda2      swap
/dev/sdb2      swap
# ...

This makes copying the partition information possible, because no
extended/logical partitions are involved.

And yes, I know that swap will fail on disk failure. But until swapping on
RAID is really solid, I'll stay with that.


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