Hi there,

I will get a new computer in some days and I want to build up an array.
I will use a derivate of RedHat Linux 6.1 (Halloween 4). There is RAID
support in the graphical installation tool, so I think the RAID patches
are already attached to the kernel.
Any hints what I must change, any settings to do? If I compile my own
kernel with the supplied kernel source, will this kernel support RAID
and can I use it without any changes and can I install the RAID tools
from RPM?

I want to build an RAID 5 with 4  20GB IBM-HD (IDE, Ultra66 on a Abit
BE6-2 Board with HPT 366 Controller).

Thanx for answers,



   Tim Niemueller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     www.niemueller.de

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