Hi all,

    I have a motley set of disks that I'm hoping to use more effeciently via
raid. Any tips on this would be greatly appreciated.

Right now I have:

2 X 2 Gig SCSI
1 X 3 Gig SCSI
1 X 7 Gig SCSI
1 X 4.5 Gig UW SCSI 2
1 X 20 Gig IDE

I don't know the exact type of SCSI for the for 4 drive but they are all old
and slowish. The 4.5 Gig one is nice and fast and is on a dedicated 40 MB
SCSI bus right now. Also I have 1 128MB partitions taken out of each drive
that I use for swap, yes, I know that gives me 800 MB swap (yummy).

I know I could combine all/any of the drive using Linear-RAID but I really
want some redundancy. I believe that probably puts me in the RAID-5 area.
The problem is all of the disks are different sizes.

I was thinking of trying to create something like a 3 slice size for the
RAID array. I would take one out of the 3 Gig, the 7 Gig, the 4.5 Gig, and 1
or more out of the 20 Gig. I would also combine the 2 X 2 Gigs into a 4 Gig
(using RAID-0) and then take a 3 Gig out of that. Then I would have at least
5 3 Gig pieces that I would combine with RAID-5. I would probably use the
other half of the 7 Gig for a backup to that array and perhaps the same via
another slize of the 20 Gig.

Any comments? Can I use a RAID-0 disk in a RAID-5 array? Is this a good or
bad idea?



----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: AW: AW: IDE RAID controller?

| There is a beta driver out now but Promise are not supporting it at all.
| I have found an independant kernel patch that apparently works OK, but you
| cannot boot off the array. You must use a stand-alone HD for the kernel
| then you can use it to mirror other drives. Apparently - I haven't tried
| it, but I have spoken to others that have managed to get it working. I
| spent many hours playing around with it trying to get it to boot off the
| array but I was unsuccessful. Promise DID say that they thought that the
| Promise driver would not support booting from the array either.
| SCSI RAID looks more and more interesting - hang the expense!
| Regards,
| Brad
| At 09:06 14/01/00 +0100, you wrote:
| >Hi Brad,
| >
| >Oops, no Linux for this? I can't belive this, many of listmembers
| >this Controller. But I don't realy know, I just assumed that there is.
| >
| >I was about to take one for myself.
| >
| >By
| >Barney
| >
| >> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
| >> Von: Raid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| >> Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Januar 2000 02:37
| >> An: Schackel, Fa. Integrata, ZRZ DA
| >> Betreff: Re: AW: IDE RAID controller?
| >>
| >>
| >> Hi Barney.
| >>
| >> AFAIK there is no Linux support for this controller. Do you
| >> know anyone who
| >> has managed to get it going under Linux?
| >>
| >> Regards,
| >> Brad
| >>
| >>
| >> At 09:55 5/01/00 +0100, you wrote:
| >> >Hi,
| >> >
| >> >how about Promise Raid 0,1 Controller.
| >> >Have a look @ http://www.promise.com/Products/products.htm#ideraid
| >> >
| >> >By, Barney
| >> >
| >> >> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
| >> >> Von: Raid [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
| >> >> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 5. Januar 2000 04:03
| >> >> Betreff: IDE RAID controller?
| >> >>
| >> >>
| >> >> Does anyone know of an ATA-66 IDE RAID controller for Linux?
| >> >> I have seen
| >> >> the Arco product at http://www.arcoide.com/dupli-pci.htm but
| >> >> it is only
| >> >> UDMA/33.
| >> >>
| >> >> Brad
| >> >>
| >> >
| >>
| >

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