
I have a pair of disks set in RAID-1 partitions

/dev/hda -> SAMSUNG SV0842D 
/dev/hdc -> ST38421A

I want to change the ST38421A disk with another SV0842D. 

Is it possible to add this third disk to the RAID1 set without loosing the data
(existing on the RAID device), and then remove the other disk?

Or it is better to just remove the /dev/hdc disk, have the RAID in failure mode,
and then "substitute" the device with an hot-add of the new disk?


     / Maurizio M. Munafo'                             /   dMMMMMMMMb  dMMMMb 
    / Dip. di Elettronica - Politecnico di Torino     /   dMP"dMP"dMP    "dMP 
   / Corso Duca degli Abruzzi 24                     /   dMP dMP dMP   dMMK"  
  / I-10129 Torino (Italia)                         /   dMP dMP dMP     dMF   
 / Tel: +39 011 5644128  Fax: +39 011 5644099      /   dMP dMP dMP dMMMMP"    
/ E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                        /__________________________ 

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