On Wed, 9 Feb 2000, Yan-Fa Li wrote:
> As a test, I disabled the NCR and moved the boot drive to the AIC7XXX.
> Now all drives are there and everything is just fine.  I can see all
> 8 hard drives without any problems, fdisk lets me access them and
> partition them without incident and I can even configure them into
> a RAID5 array.
> So my guess is that there is some sort of over allocation bug between
> the NCR and AIC drivers so that the NCR is taking too many resources
> and leaving the AIC with only four usable drive slots.  I'm not a
> kernel hacker so it's hard for me to figure this out by looking at
> the source.

I know this is an obvious question and so you've probably ruled it out
already, but what does the SCSI ID allocation for your failed setup look
like?  You say eight drives and one controller.  Did you use ID#0-7 for
the drives and, say, ID#15 for the controller?  I could personally see
myself accidentally leaving the controller at the default ID#7 and then
setting up eight drives, #0-7, the last of which conflicts with the 
controller.  Also, you say there is an allocation problem with more than 4
disks, but don't mention trying 5, 6 or 7 disks.  Is it possibly just a
problem with 8 or more disks causing only the first four to be usable?  Or
have you ruled that out as well?
Jeremy J. Stanley, Network Engineer, Trend CMHS

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