On Wed, Feb 09, 2000 at 11:26:20AM -0800, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> True, but even with the nifty patches that RedHat has supplied, you can only
> boot from RAID 1.  I was thinking you could grab two cards like this, and
> create RAID-0 arrays on both, and then mirror those using Linux software
> RAID 1 to give you a nice RAID 10 redundant, fast drive array.  It does
> sound a bit expensive though...

You can boot off of non-RAID 1 arrays, you just need to finese things
a little bit.  For instance, make /boot a RAID-1 array and point LILO
at it.  You can then make a RAID-5 or 10 array for / and everything else.
It should be able to boot up without any problems.

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They can always run stderr through uniq.  :-)
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