At 06:03 AM 2/29/2000, Manuel Fernandes wrote:
>Hi All
>Sorry that I am bothering you about this but I am a little lost and a
>little desperate. I have an new AMD athlon + RAID 0 on it. We have been
>using raid0 since about 1996 or 1997 and I have just changed the setting
>to use the new RAID which comes with RedHat linux 6.0 - kernel 2.2.5-15
>little realizing that they are very experimental and totally incompatible
>with the original version. It also comes with raidtools 0.90. Now this
>raid works OK but I have the
>problem that I want to upgrade to a kernel that better supports the AMD
>i.e. 2.2.14 but a raid patch does not exist for this kernel yet. When I
>apply what seems to the the latest patch (for kernel 2.2.11) to
>linux-2.2.14 I get a lot of errors and some reject files.

You can get the proper patch from

David Cooley N5XMT Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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