
in between I learned how to setup a raid1 from existing data. Now I have
one more question: If I decide some fine day that I need one disk of my
raid1 for something different that the mirror, how can I destroy the
raid1 and instead use one of the (old raid) disks as usual (non raid)
disk. Can I keep the data? 

I guess what has to be done somehow is to remove the persistent raid
superblock somehow so that neither the kernel nor the raidstart tools
recognizes the a raid configuration on one of the disks. Is this

Thanks Rainer 
Rainer Krienke                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Universitaet Koblenz,              http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke
Rechenzentrum,                     Voice: +49 261 287 - 1312
Rheinau 1, 56075 Koblenz, Germany  Fax:   +49 261 287 - 1001312

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