On Sun, 27 Feb 2000 23:22:19 -0000, you wrote:
>Suse (at least until 6.3) comes with the old style raid (kernel and tools) and the 
>new tools.

The new tools won't work with old style raid, right?

>You can do two things to determine what is being used:
>- rpm -qi raidtool
>  If not installed they did not use the newtools

package is not installed

>- Check the kernel sources for patches. Suse tells you to download and patch the 
>kernel yourself.
>  One file to look for from the new raid patches: 
>  AFAIK it is not in the old md code.

There is a translucent.c and also a translucent.c.orig. So my
predecessor must have applied _some_ patch. And there is also
/usr/src/raid0145-990824-2.2.11, so I must now assume I have new style

Can anybody please post an example how /proc/mdstat looks for old
style raid? My /proc/mdstat looks like the new style RAID /proc/mdstat
I know from my own RAID systems. Is there any difference to old style


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Marc Haber          |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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