Title: FW: ExtremeRAID 1100 benchmarks

I had a 2 channel 1164 in a dual 450 PIII (256MB ram) with 4 18GB Seagate LVD 10K RPM drives in RAID 5. WIth all defaults, except 4K block size of the ext2 file system, I got about 22MB/sec reads and writes according to Bonnie. Best I remember, the 4K block size made a fairly large improvement over absolute defaults.

I didn't have time to tweak any settings on the 1164

This was a stock redhat 6.0 system.

Unfortunately, box only ran linux for about an hour. Alas, it was destined to be an NT machine.

I wished someone would port Bonnie (or tiotest) to NT.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Mauritz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 11:29 AM
Subject: ExtremeRAID 1100 benchmarks

Has anyone done any benchmarks with the Mylex ExtremeRAID 1100?  I'm
planning on getting one of the 3 channel ones with 64mb cache.  Initially,
it will be delivered on a dual PIII-750mhz machine with NT, but I'd like to
repurpose this as a Linux file server.  It will have an external enclosure
with 8 18gig 10,000rpm IBM Deskstars and one hot spare.  Can anyone hazard a
guess at the kind of performance I can expect from such an array?



Chris Mauritz

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