On Fri, 14 Apr 2000, Tony Grant wrote:

> Erich wrote:
> > Any clues?  I feel like I've done everything according to the
> > instructions, and I feel like I'm very close to getting it to work,
> > but it's still not working.  Have I left out something important in
> > the kernel config?  Or did I need a RAID patch to the 2.2.14 kernel to
> > get it to work?  This last possibility would be unfortunate, because
> > it will be difficult to apply both a RAID patch and a Promise Ultra/66
> > patch.
> Yes you need the RAID patch from
> http://people.redhat.com/mingo/raid-patches/
> Don't worry it's just another kernel recompile =:-\

I've tried doing that, 2.2.14 adding both patchs.
mostly they failed everywhere. then once I did it get it in, and compile,
it still never worked right, I change to 2.3 kernel, even tho alpha/beta
kernels are buggy, alteast it's working for now. Hopefully in next couple
weeks/months 2.4 , or 2.2.x will have patchs in it, Others in this list do
have it all working fine tho.(probly just me)

Linux temp 2.3.48 #1 SMP Wed Mar 29 04:44:43 EST 2000 i686 unknown
  2:07pm  up 16 days,  8:13,  4 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.01, 0.00

/dev/md0             77497248 61287908  12208368
/dev/md1             38620464 13837200  22789536  
/dev/md2             77497248 54034202  21363046

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