
I have installed a raid 1(mirror) partition.

/      => /dev/md0
/boot  => /dev/hda1 and /dev/hdc1 (handmade mirror)

Here is my problem: I have destroyed my Bootblock. Now I canīt access
the root-Partition in order to make a new one. The only thing that I can
reach is the kernel i had put in the ext2-Partition. 

I use SuSE-Linux 6.4 and the rescue-disks canīt read the md0 devices. So
I thought that I can start the rescue-System, mount my /boot partition
and build a new bootblock with lilo. But that doesīt work. 
The message from lilo: "Sorry. Donīt know how to handle device 0x0102"
This means, that lilo doesnīt know the md0-device, isnīt it?

Does anybody know a sollution without installing everything new?

Andreas Martmann

Institut für Geoinformatik (IfGI)
Robert-Koch-Str. 26-28
48149 Muenster
Tel      : 0251-83-30063
Fax      : 0251-83-39763
Homepage : http://ifgi.uni-muenster.de

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