Here is what I'm trying to do:
RedHat 6.2, 4 disk SCSI system, custom kernel with all RAID options compiled
into kernel, a regular linux filesystem /boot, / is /dev/md0 running raid 5,
/usr is /dev/md1 raid 5, /usr/local is /dev/md2 raid 5, /var is /dev/md3
raid 5, /var/mail is /dev/md4 raid 5, /home is /dev/md5 raid 5.

/dev/md0 is made up of:

/dev/md1 is made up of:


/dev/sda1, /dev/sdb1, /dev/sdc1, /dev/sdd1 are all 128MB swaps

/dev/sda2 is /boot

The sytem boots fine untill I power the system down and remove say disk 2 or
3 then it locks up after freeing kernel memory.
Any ideas?


Matthew Opoka
3210 Wisconsin Ave Suite B
Vicksburg, MS.  39180

voice: 601.638.1400
fax:   601.638.1426

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