> I found your page very helpful in setting up a raid1 system at my
> work.  I do have one unanswered question.  How does the software
> controller notify someone that one of the drives has failed?
Oh, I have a little script I run daily from a cron file -- actually 
two scripts. You could run them as often as you like I suppose

The first (short) is used to manually produce the match template

# get active raid status
# version 1.03 4-18-00
/bin/cat /proc/mdstat | /usr/bin/grep active
########### end

The second is the cron task and does the comparison, and 
is called when doing the check with the email address of whom to
notify on the command line
#! /bin/sh
# Version:      1.02 8-7-99 Michael A. Robinton <
# raidcheck.sh  This file must be executed periodically by cron
#               It will check the raid status and e-mail a message if
#               a status error is detected.
# USEAGE:       raidcheck.sh e-mail@addr {where to send error msg}
############ check raid status info ##############
SENDMAILCMD="/usr/lib/sendmail -t -oi -O DeliveryMode=background"

# you must have issued
#       raidgetstatus.sh >raidgood
# in the local directory before this routine will work

#       capture raid status

#       get raid reference
  RAIDREF=`cat ./raidgood`

# Test for a clean shutdown with array matching reference
if [ "${RAIDSTATUS}" != "${RAIDREF}" ]; then
    ${SENDMAILCMD} <<EOF123xxx
From:${RAIDHOST} <root@${RAIDHOST}>
Subject:ALERT Raid Device Failure on ${RAIDHOST}

${RAIDHOST} has detected an error in the raid status

The status should be:

The status is:

############ end

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