On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 07:19:43PM -0300, Christian Robottom Reis wrote:
> If you want to know what slow means, I'll post some SW-Raid readbalanced
> RAID1 benchmarks *grin* Mika rules!
(*) Yes! I want to know what slow means!
    I get some very nice benchmarks, and .sig for free!
( ) No! I do not want to know what slow means!
    I do not get the benchmarks, but I do get a .sig for free!

I'm trying to collect some data on [HS]w-raid.
But somehow these seem to be always incomplete.
If someone posts raid-results with bonnie/tiobench, please post
the following with that:

Disks used (details please, not some 10k something).
Controller used.
Drivers used (kernel revision and driver revision when not vanilla, and all
patches of course).
Logical drive setup. We want to know at what point at the disk the test
takes place. I love to see tests done on emtpy disks, so that tests
will take place somewhere around the edges of the disks.
Raid setup of course...

And finally: the results :)

Globally speaking, the results are the most important, but testing raid f.i.
with drives that can reach the absolute max of (hold your breath) 1Mb/s
seems not very sane.

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