> running on 2.2.14 with raid soft, I have always superblock even after
> fsck.ext2.

I assume you mean `I always have a problem with the EXT2 super block' ..

> So I guest something was made badly what I can not find out it :(

My guess is that you made an ext2 FS on a partition, then used it under RAID.

> The filesystem size (according to the superblock) is 2239051 blocks
> The physical size of the device is 2239024 blocks

Looks like the EXT2 FS was made on the full partition, then RAID took out some
space at the end for the PSB.

Dismount the FS, then use ext2resize, PQMAGIC, or whatever to resize it,
and all should be well ...

[ /proc/mdstat might have been useful (but not in this case) ]

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