On Sun, Jul 09, 2000 at 11:04:20PM -0700, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> What's the current status of RAID on SPARC?  I haven't had a chance to keep
> up very much, as I wasn't using RAID on SPARCs.  I'm about to build a
> mirrored system here, and I'd like to make sure that I'm not going to get
> hosed because of some bug.  Thanks,

I think the quick fix (copying 4096 bytes, not sizeof(md_superblock*)) was
added, at least to 2.2.16 patches, will have to check 2.4.x (the copy of
2.3.99-pre7 I have on my box does not include it).
The larger patch I sent which fixed the on-disk format and allowed RAID
arrays to be stored at cylinder 0 of SPARC labeled disks did not make it in
into either version (will have to ask Ingo about it).


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