According to the RAID HOWTO
( you are supposed to have
the following packages:

1. a linux kernel that supports raid, initrd and /dev/loopx 

        * I have 2.2.16 - so I assume I am set?

2. raid145-971022-2.0.31 patch adds support for raid1/4/5 

        * This has a URL which points to yet this file doesn't exist

3. raidtools-pre3-0.42 tools to create and maintain raid devices
(documentation too). 

        * Well I picked this up, but there also is raidtools-0.41.tar.gz, which
        one do I need?

4. Gadi's raid stop patch in Appendix E. 

        * Got that

5. linuxthreads-0.71 required threads package. 

        * Picked up that too

So, I am a little confused what is actually needed for 2.2.16, do i need
to patch the kernel? According to a recent message on this list:

"Patches for new kernels are available at You should also grab the
raidtools from there, as they support some new usefull features (such as
failed-disk directive)."

I picked up the raid-2.2.16-A0 patch and attempted to apply it - a bunch
of them went through, some of them complained that the file was already
patched, so I didn't push those through.

What gets even MORE confusing is the fact that the description for the
HOWTO reads:

"Updated: May 2000. This document only applies to the OLD raidtools,
versions 0.50 and under. The workarounds and solutions addressed in this
HOWTO have largely been made obsolete by the vast improvment in the 0.90
raidtools and accompanying kernel patch to the 2.0.37, 2.2x and 2.3x
series kernels. You may find the detailed descriptions useful,
particularly if you plan to run root raid or use initrd."

So, is this HOWTO not useful to me? If that is true - I haven't been able
to find a HOWTO elsewhere that addresses the ".90 raidtools and
accompanying kernel patch to the ...2.2x...series kernels".

Help! I am going crazy trying to sort this out!


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