
We recently purchased a Dell PowerEdge 4400 server with a Perc3/di RAID
controller.  It arrived this week (after cough 3 _months_ of hassling over
the order with Dell!!!) and I'm now setting it up.  We have the system
with five drives total.  Two are 9Gb and three are 36Gb.  The two 9Gb
drives are in a RAID1 setup and the three 36Gb drives are in a RAID5.  The
mirrored drives had Linux preinstalled from Dell on them and I think I'm
going to pretty much leave them as they are (except I deleted over half
the unnecessary packages they installed).  However, I'm not quite sure how
to setup my RAID5 partitions.  This server will be used primarly as an
internet server and will house web pages, ftp sites and a MySQL
database.  So I have several  questions about setting up stuff on the
RAID5 portion:

1)  Dell configured the server with swap on the two 9Gb drives.  My
feeling would be that I would get better performance by moving it to the
RAID 5 devices since there won't be the mirrored disk I/O.  Should I do

2)  Given our uses of this server, we will predominantly be dealing with
many small files (for the web pages) and some potentially larger ones for
the databases.  Also, some of the web pages contain about 10Gb of rather
larger Quicktime training movies.  Am I best off creating one large
partition with the defaults of mke2fs or creating 3 or 4 partitions and
tuning some of the mke2fs parameters?

3)  If the answer is creating multiple partitions, what are some good
modifications to make when I run mke2fs for say 1)  a web page parition
(many small files) , 2)  a movie partition (many big files), and 3) a
database system.

On a slightly different but related note, we purchased this server with
the Perc3/di RAID option, intending to use the first channel for the
mirrored boot drives and the second channel for the RAID 5 drives.  Today,
I discovered that the backplane that houses the drives is connected to one
and only one channel and there's no way to internally run more than one
RAID channel.  Is running everything off the same channel a big
no-no?  Obviously, to get the best performance, I'd prefer to have each
RAID device on a separate channel but it doesn't look like that is
possible with the PowerEdge 4400 without buying an external enclosure.  I
think its a bit misleading of Dell to ship a dual channel RAID controller
but only make it possible for one channel to be used with the server as it
ships.  Anyone have any ideas to get around this seeming limitation?



Kevin M. Myer
Systems Administrator
Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13

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