 We've been using the sw raid 5 support in linux for about 2-3 months now.
We've had good luck with it.

Until this week.

In this one week we've lost two drives on a 3 drive array. Completely
eliminating the array. We have good backups, made everynight, so the data
is safe. The problem is this: What could have caused these dual drive

One went out on saturday the next on the following friday. Complete death.

One drive won't detect anywhere anymore and its been RMA'd the other
detects and I'm currently mke2fs -c on the drive.

Could this be a powersupply failure?

What is it that would cause this sort of fault?
Additionally it appears like the ide drive that is the system's os disk is
also failing.

It gets lba and seek failures reptetively.

I'm 99.999% certain this has NOTHING to do with software but I'd love to
know at what to point the finger.


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