[Souvigna Phrakonkham]
> Hello, has anyone put a boot partition on the
> "raid" array drives?  If so which
> distribution of linux?

You can make it work on any distro, but afaik the only installer that
currently has "native support" is RH 6.2's gui installer.

> I have been trying to get Red Hat 6.2 to install
> on my DPT PM3334 raid controller, but
> I just read somewhere that Red Hat does not
> support installing the boot partition
> onto the raid array.

It does, for RAID-1 (mirroring).  (no striping involved, and their lilo
has been patched to support the raid-1 device).  Using Disk Druid,
it's pretty straightforward to make a couple of partitions and "make
raid device", so you should be ok.

The steps to reverse a bootable raid onto an existing system are a bit
tedious, but covered in the Boot+Root RAID Howto and Software RAID Howto,
both at linuxdoc.org

James Manning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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