Dear friends,
If you receive this mail, it just means that you're in the contact list which I'm building.
For confidentiality, I decided to use Bcc: instead, hence, if you find it strange that it
seems I'm addressing a large crowd...:P.....well, I am.
For those who forgot / need to refresh memory, I'm Leng Fong...;P, Singaporean.
Just settling down in Singapore for the next few years, and I formatted all my contact list,
:(.....hence, need to send such a stupid mail.
Anyway my email acct is changed to
Do not hesitate to flood this mailbox, or send mp3, jpg, gif etc. I do not have a limit to this
mail address and I've a direct link to this mailbox, hence, the only limitation is the time taken
for all you kind people who decide to upload things to me...hee hee.
If you'll receive this mail twice, please inform me as well (so that I can delete the double entry)
And if any of you wants mp3, jph, gif, you can request it from me as well......
So..........see ya!

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