On Fri, Aug 11, 2000 at 10:53:11AM +0200, Karl-Heinz Herrmann wrote:
> On 11-Aug-00 Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> ># cat /proc/mdstat
> > Personalities : [1 linear] [2 raid0] [3 raid1] [4 raid5]
> > read_ahead not set
> > md0 : inactive
> > md1 : inactive
> > md2 : inactive
> > md3 : inactive
> Yes -- thats old style md-raid. 
> So you have a kernel which is already patched with raid-code and you try to

patched with old style raid code?

> apply a new patch which is against a clean kernel. 
> Would there be a patch against an oldstyle md-patched kernel somewhere? 
> Since your distribution (Wasn't it RedHat?) is delivering it like that

Yes, RH 6.1

> maybe they should do that?
> But your best strategy is probably to grab a clean kernel and get the smp
> patches you wanted and the new raid patches and apply them yourself.

Sigh. :-)

> K.-H.

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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