Andrea Hi,

I am sorry - the commit missed the 24.4.2010 build which I asked you to
Please test this build (the latest): OFED-1.5.2-20100426-0600

- Amir

On 04/27/2010 01:34 PM, Andrea Gozzelino wrote:
> Hi Amir, 
> I have checked the bug solution with OFED-1.5.2-20100425-0600 version
> without success. 
> client machine
> export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/
> netperf -H address -c -C -l 60 -- -m 65536
> tail -f /var/log/libsdp.log 
> Tue Apr 27 10:08:38 2010 netperf[19051] libsdp Error connect: failed for
> fd:6 with error:Cannot allocate memory
> Tue Apr 27 11:47:55 2010 netperf[19081] libsdp Error connect: failed for
> fd:6 with error:Cannot allocate memory
> dmesg
> client_script[13876]: segfault at 00007fffef8de000 rip 000000387d07ad8a
> rsp
> 00007fffef8d5648 error 6
> C_copiato[20437]: segfault at 00007ffff0257b3c rip 00000000004009e3 rsp
> 00007ffff0257b30 error 6
> client_20[1539]: segfault at 00007fffa2acd85c rip 0000000000400a80 rsp
> 00007fffa2acd850 error 6
> sdp_init_qp:95 sdp_sock( 2100:2 55190:0): recv sge's. capability: 4
> needed: 9
> sdp_init_qp:95 sdp_sock( 2100:2 41003:0): recv sge's. capability: 4
> needed: 9
> sdp_init_qp:95 sdp_sock( 2100:2 55192:0): recv sge's. capability: 4
> needed: 9
> sdp_init_qp:95 sdp_sock( 2100:2 38542:0): recv sge's. capability: 4
> needed: 9
> ------------------
> server machine
> export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib64/
> netserver 
>     Starting netserver at port 12865
> Starting netserver at hostname port 12865 and family AF_UNSPEC
> ------------------
> Amir, I think that bug 2028 is also involved in NE020 SDP working. 
> Steve, is it possible? 
> If yes, I will check the bug 2027 and 2028 solutions in July 2010. 
> Is it correct?
> I reopen the bug 2027 because I don't see any changes.
> Please consider that the bug 2027 could be connected with the 2028 one
> in Bugzilla.
> Keep in touch.
> Thank you very much.
> Regards,
> Andrea
> Andrea Gozzelino
> INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro        (LNL)
> Viale dell'Universita' 2
> I-35020 - Legnaro (PD)- ITALIA
> Tel: +39 049 8068346
> Fax: +39 049 641925
> Mail:                    
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