Way back in May I proposed this prototype for adding SA notifications to the 
verbs API, but no one ever said yes or no. Vlad - I'm not even sure you were 
part of the conversation at the time, it was originally about a new API, but 
you should be aware of it since the conversation changed to adding the 
user-space capability to libibverbs.

Now that 1.5.2 is out the door, can we revisit this and try to get this and the 
matching kernel changes into the next release?


API for Proposal for adding ib_usa to the Linux Infiniband Subsystem
Mike Heinz
Mon, 24 May 2010 12:31:16 -0700

I spent the weekend thinking about your feedback Friday, and I'm concerned that 
it widens the scope too far beyond what the current code is meant to do.

ib_usa isn't meant to be a general GSI interface, it's meant to be a user API 
for accessing the existing functionality of the existing ib_sa module. In 
particular, ib_sa and ib_usa provide a mechanism for other processes to share 
SA/SM notices and traps. 

As I mentioned earlier, the reason ib_sa acts as a single access point for 
SA/SM traps and notices is because traps and notices are sent to ports, not to 
queue pairs and not to processes. That means only one entity can be subscribed 
for notices and traps at any particular time, and must manage them, "sharing 
them out" among all processes that are interested in them.

Generalizing that to include other types of notices and traps would involve 
non-trivial changes to the ib_sa and might impact other parts of the infiniband 
subsystem, including the SM, since they would have to be rewritten to deal with 
the possibility that another component is now managing all notices and traps.

Below you will find a proposed API for accessing the notifications 
functionality of the existing ib_sa and ib_usa modules. This is pretty much 
exactly what we are currently using, but since Sean has suggested rdma_cm is 
better suited for multi-casting, they have been omitted.

Now, given that this API is stand-alone right now, it could still be added to 
either libibumad or to libibverbs - but I like Sean's suggestion that it be 
added to verbs, since the current security model restricts libibumad to root 
access and because the existing API already makes use of libibverbs' 
ibv_context data structure.

---------- current ib_usa API -------- 

/* InformInfo:TrapNumber */
enum {
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_GID_IN_SERVICE              = __constant_cpu_to_be16(64),
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_GID_OUT_OF_SERVICE          = __constant_cpu_to_be16(65),
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_CREATE_MC_GROUP             = __constant_cpu_to_be16(66),
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_DELETE_MC_GROUP             = __constant_cpu_to_be16(67),
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_PORT_CHANGE_STATE           = 
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_LINK_INTEGRITY              = 
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_BAD_M_KEY                   = 
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_BAD_P_KEY                   = 
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_BAD_Q_KEY                   = 
        IBV_SA_SM_TRAP_ALL                         = 

struct ibv_sa_event_channel;
struct ibv_sa_event;
struct ibv_sa_id;

 * ibv_sa_create_event_channel - Open a channel used to report events.
struct ibv_sa_event_channel *ibv_sa_create_event_channel();

 * ibv_sa_destroy_event_channel - Close the event channel.
 * @channel: The channel to destroy.
void ibv_sa_destroy_event_channel(struct ibv_sa_event_channel *channel);

 * ibv_sa_get_event - Retrieves the next pending event, if no event is
 *   pending waits for an event.
 * @channel: Event channel to check for events.
 * @event: Allocated information about the next event.
 *    Event should be freed using ibv_sa_ack_event()
int ibv_sa_get_event(struct ibv_sa_event_channel *channel,
                     struct ibv_sa_event **event);

 * ibv_sa_ack_event - Free an event.
 * @event: Event to be released.
 * All events which are allocated by ibv_sa_get_event() must be released,
 * there should be a one-to-one correspondence between successful gets
 * and acks.
int ibv_sa_ack_event(struct ibv_sa_event *event);

 * ibv_sa_register_inform_info - Registers to receive notice events.
 * @channel: Event channel to issue query on.
 * @device: Device associated with record.
 * @port_num: Port number of record.
 * @trap_number: InformInfo trap number to register for, in network byte
 *   order.
 * @context: User specified context associated with the registration.
 * @id: SA registration identifier.
 * This call initiates a registration request with the SA for the specified
 * trap number.  If the operation is started successfully, it returns
 * an ibv_sa_id structure that is used to track the registration operation.
 * Users must free this structure by calling ibv_sa_free_id.
 * An event status of -ENETRESET indicates that an error occurred which 
requires * reregisteration.
int ibv_sa_register_inform_info(struct ibv_sa_event_channel *channel,
                                struct ibv_context *device, uint8_t port_num,
                                uint16_t trap_number, void *context,
                                struct ibv_sa_id **id);

 * ibv_sa_free_id - Releases SA registration.
 * @id: Registration tracking structure.
int ibv_sa_free_id(struct ibv_sa_id *id);
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