I am attempting to probe information about how librdma_cm interacts with 
libibverbs by using a "wrapper" library that I wrote. It is LD_PRELOAD-ed 
before libibverbs, which allows me to examine the function calls librdma is 
making before then passing control to the "real" verbs function call.

While doing this I have noticed that in a simple RDMA application, librdma 
does not seem to configure the PSNs between the two nodes to match each other; 
not through calls to ibv_modify_qp anyhow. The arguments given to 
ibv_modify_qp by librdma_cm seem to be (for example):

Node 1:
RQ_PSN is 464684127
SQ_PSN is 2204625

Node 2:
RQ_PSN is 1327604689
SQ_PSN is 11699295

If I use ibv_query_qp() to query the PSNs they will prove to match (SQ -> RQ 
on the opposite nodes), as they should. If not through ibv_modify_qp, how is 
librdma_cm configuring the PSNs?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,

Greg Kerr
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