On 07/10/2011 08:15 AM, Jiri Kosina wrote:
On Sun, 10 Jul 2011, Justin P. Mattock wrote:

Below you will find a set of patches, that update the copyright info
from Sun Microsystems to Oracle.
should make changes.. Please let me know if I missed anything and/or

You have sent these patches last year, and the approach was rejected
(e.g see http://marc.info/?l=linux-rdma&m=129093016323596) - what has
changes since that allows for re-posting?

I didnt bring this up, jiri did!

Did I?

The only thing I said regarding this patchset is that you can't do this
yourself. And if it is to be done, it needs signoff from the original
copyright holder.

well, in anycase with the he said she said.. anybody from oracle care to fix this?

As for sending these originally, I did not know somebody needed to be the original copyright holder.

Justin P. Mattock
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