On Fri, Jan 06, 2012 at 04:22:32PM -0800, pierre orzechowski wrote:

> We have a customer reporting an issue with the "ibswitches" command
> part of the infiniband-diags package.
> If the switch description includes the string "base" anywhere, then
> the match operation in the awk section of ibwitches does not behave
> as expected and output is garbled.

These shell tools have all been de-supported by the infiniband-diags
maintainer, exactly because they are prone to these sorts of problems
due to inherent design flaws.

The recommendation is to use the new C based commands, but there is
not an exact correspondence.

python-rdma's ibtool command has work-alikes for all of the old
commands that do not have these issues for people who absolutely must
have the old commands.

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