On Fri, 2012-03-09 at 13:01 -0800, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 12:32:55PM -0800, Jim Foraker wrote:
> > 
> > On Fri, 2012-03-09 at 10:04 -0800, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:
> > > On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 07:59:58AM -0500, Hal Rosenstock wrote:
> > > 
> > > > What mkey model is being proposed here ? It looks to me like it is a
> > > > single mkey for all ports in the subnet which is the simplest but least
> > > > flexible model. If so, I think we need something more flexible as IBA
> > > > allows each port to have it's own different mkey.
> > > 
> > > I would like to see some general agreement on a generator for mkey,
> > > something like:
> > > 
> > >   MKey = HMAC(Subnet_KEY,PortGUID)
> > > 
> > > This blinds the mkey incase a port is compromised but still lets
> > > privileged entities compute it from a single key.
> >      I've been thinking about a model like that.  In particular,
> > 
> > MKey = 64 bits of PBKDF2(HMAC-SHA1,password,PortGUID,n)
> I don't think using passwords for this sort of thing is really a good
> idea. It has been shown again and again the extrapolating keys from
> passwords does not stand up. Better to design around a large true
> random key (eg how bind's rndc works) than a password. In that
> instance truncated HMAC-SHA2-512 is entirely sufficient.
     Large random strings end up having to be stored on disk, which may
be its own issue.  An attacker need not bother with a preimage attack at
all if the admin has copied a bulky keyfile to every host so as to make
their lives tenable.  "Well they shouldn't do that" may not be listened
to any better than "don't use weak passwords" has been.
     I like PBKDF2 because it's simple to add on top of a HMAC, and
provides easily-tunable key stretching.  Going to SHA2-512 makes the
stretching far less important with sufficient key material, but it's
still of benefit, particularly if that material isn't as good as you
wish it was.

> >      I've got some concerns however.  There are a number of ways that an
> > attacker on a host connected to the fabric may attempt to compromise the
> > local CA's mkey, and/or other mkeys on the fabric in well short of
> > brute-force time.  That may mean digging thru kernel memory for the
> > local key, or it might mean slyly convincing the SM to just hand over
> > the mkey for some other CA.
> The IBA architecture is such that a end port should never be able to learn
> the mkey of another port. Any bugs that let that happen can be
> fixed.
      Oh, that's certainly the intent.  The reality though is that at
multiple layers, mkeys have not been thought about, not been
well-tested, or have been hacked in clearly as an afterthought in
current codebases.  My hope is that there are not any inherent
weaknesses in the spec.  My expectation is that there are several
exploitable weaknesses in the code.  If we want to install a stronger
front door, it would behoove us to make sure the windows aren't already
the weakest link.

> Leaking an end port's MKey to things on the end port is pretty much
> expected (although should be guarded against as much as possible) -
> that is why we want to have distinct mkeys on every port. The only
> desired property is that a single compromised mkey not lead to knowing
> all mkeys.
> >      Other than a KDF, the models that I can think of would be a)
> > per-host mkeys specified in a config file, and b) random per-host keys
> > generated by the SM.  I think before we implement a configuration model
> > beyond OpenSM's though, we need to make sure we understand the attack
> > surface first, lest we promote a false sense of security.
> I think these are both basically equivalent to using HMAC or KDF with
> a strong key.. ie 'random' would really boil down to iterative HMAC
> with a state you throw away.
     B is potentially equivalent to using a perfectly secure KDF of some
sort.  "Perfect security" being what it is though, there may be some
folks who just don't want to risk any sort of preimage attack. A's
security depends on how that config file is generated and distributed.
Its key benefit is simplicity and configurability -- the admin gets free
reign to generate keys however they want, according to local needs and
policy.  They also get to keep the file up to date with new guids as
hardware comes and goes.
     In my mind, the most useful way forward is derived keys of some
sort.  However, I don't think it's necessarily a one-size-fits-all
solution, and supporting a few differing schemes seems reasonable to me.


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