Salut Sébastian,

omg, I am stupid... :)
Found the bad files:

'yum erase libibmad' solved my problem.


Am 03.05.2012 09:51, schrieb sebastien dugue:
>   Hi Christian,
> On Thu, 3 May 2012 06:26:04 +0000 (UTC)
> Christian Kniep <> wrote:
>> Hey list,
>> I just compiled the newest version of libibumad,-ibmad, opensm and
>> infiniband-diags and I got an error I am not able to eliminate.
>> ####
>> checking for mad_dump_mlnx_ext_port_info in -libmad... no
>> configure: error: mad_dump_mlnx_ext_port_info() not found.
>>         diags require libibmad with mad_dump_mlnx_ext_port_info support.
>> ####mad_dump_mlnx_ext_port_info
>> My installation on centos6.2 is discribed here:
>> How could I fix this?
>   what does config.log tells you regarding the check for 
> mad_dump_mlnx_ext_port_info?
>   has libibmad been installed in the standard place? Maybe configure is 
> finding an old
> libibmad that's previously been installed (and without 
> mad_dump_mlnx_ext_port_info).
>   Also beware of the lib vs lib64 thingy.
>   Regards,
>   Sébastien.
>> Thanks & kind regards
>> Christian
>> --
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Christian Kniep

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