Hello Sean

Thank you for your information.

I'll try it.

I'm reading rockets(librdmacm) commit log for study Infiniband. :-)

2012/7/4 Hefty, Sean <sean.he...@intel.com>:
>> Hello Parav.Pandit
>> Thank you for your advice.
>> I'll try it.
> You can also look at rsockets in the latest librdmacm library.  You'd need to 
> download and build the library yourself, since rsockets is not yet available 
> in any release.  But there's a sample program (rcopy) that will copy a file 
> between two systems over that API.
> I haven't tried using it to copy a very large files, but in theory it should 
> work.  (Hey, maybe you'll get lucky!)  If you do try it and hit into any 
> problems, please let me know.
> - Sean

Hiroyuki Sato
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