[resending because I forgot to cc linux-rdma]

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 6:04 AM, Mike Marciniszyn
<mike.marcinis...@intel.com> wrote:
> Add support for per-device/per-port driver parameters
> allowing users to specify different values for different
> ports/devices. All converted parameters will behave as
> expected if the old parameter format is used.
> New per-device/per-port parameter format:
>     <param>=[<d>,]<u>[:<p>]=<v>[,<u>[:<p>]=<v>]
> where:
>     <param> - driver parameter name
>     <d> - default value applicable to all devices/ports
>     <u> - unit number (zero-based)
>     <p> - port number (1-based)
>     <v> - numeric value

I think this is pushing the module parameter facility way past the
breaking point of usability.  We really need to come up with a better
way to get complex structured config info like this into the drive
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