> There are multiple problems with libfrabric related to the use cases in my
> area. Most of all the lack of multicast support. Then there is the build
> up of software bloat on top. The interest here is in low latency
> operations. Redenzvous and other new features are really not wanted if
> they increase the latency.

Multicast is only supported by one vendor that has taken a hostile position 
against libfabric.  Support for multicast will eventually be there, but it's 
definitely not a priority for me.  As an open source project, anyone is welcome 
to propose patches.

For native providers, libfabric will reduce latency.  That's a provider 
implementation issue, and native providers will be available soon.  The OFIWG 
selected to have a working set of interfaces that applications can begin using 
immediately, versus waiting until there were a large set of native providers.

This is an entirely unrelated topic for this thread.  Jason asked what I would 
do with libfabric.  I answered.  Your comments do nothing to change my mind on 
that answer.

> This is a way it was implemented

IMO, this is exactly the problem.  The entire design is being driving by the 
implementation.  That produces an unmaintainable API and fractures the software 
ecosystem, which is exactly where we are today.

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