Hi Geert,

Sorry for the delay.

Thanks for your reply.

On Mon, Feb 13, 2017 at 7:50 AM, Hiep Cao Minh <cm-h...@jinso.co.jp> wrote:
Sorry to bother you!
No, thank you for finally make me see my wrong reasoning!

qspi_transfer_in() does:

          while (n > 0) {
                  len = qspi_set_receive_trigger(rspi, n);
                  // len will be <= n
I agree. This is len = min value of n and 32.
                  if (len == QSPI_BUFFER_SIZE) {
                          // receive blocks of len bytes
Yes, This is len == 32 bytes
                  } else {
                          // receive n (not len) bytes
This is always n == len ( This case, len or n is always < 32)
Because this is the last n bytes should be received.
Doh, I must have missed that if "len < n", the first branch is always taken.

                          ret = rspi_pio_transfer(rspi, NULL, rx, n);
It would have been clearer to use "len" here instead of "n".
I agree, Dong will update your suggestion at the patch.

Thank you.

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