Hi Laurent,

On Wed, May 03, 2017 at 06:06:19PM +0300, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> Hi Jacopo,
> On Wednesday 03 May 2017 11:52:36 jmondi wrote:
> > On Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 02:47:14PM +0300, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
> > > Hi Jacopo,
> > >
> > > Thank you for the patch.
> >
> > [snip]
> >
> > >> +/**
> > >> + * Collect formats supported by CEU and sensor subdevice
> > >> + */
> > >> +static int sh_ceu_init_active_formats(struct sh_ceu_dev *pcdev)
> > >> +{
> > >> +        struct v4l2_subdev *sensor = pcdev->sensor;
> > >> +        struct sh_ceu_fmt *active_fmts;
> > >> +        unsigned int n_active_fmts;
> > >> +        struct sh_ceu_fmt *fmt;
> > >> +        unsigned int i;
> > >> +
> > >> +        struct v4l2_subdev_mbus_code_enum mbus_code = {
> > >> +                .which = V4L2_SUBDEV_FORMAT_ACTIVE,
> > >> +                .index = 0,
> > >> +        };
> > >> +
> > >> +        /* Count how may formats are supported by CEU and sensor 
> > >> subdevice */
> > >> +        n_active_fmts = 0;
> > >> +        while (!v4l2_subdev_call(sensor, pad, enum_mbus_code,
> > >> +                                 NULL, &mbus_code)) {
> > >> +                mbus_code.index++;
> > >> +
> > >> +                fmt = get_ceu_fmt_from_mbus(mbus_code.code);
> > >
> > > This is not correct. You will get one one pixel format per media bus
> > > format supported by the sensor. The CEU supports
> > >
> > > 1. converting packed YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV) to YUV 4:2:2 planar (CAMCR.JPG = 00)
> > > or capturing raw data (CAMCR.JPG = 01)
> > >
> > > 2. outputting YUV 4:2:2 planar to memory (CDOCR.CDS = 1) or downsampling
> > > it to YUV 4:2:0 planar (CDOCR.CDS = 0)
> > >
> > > 3. swapping bytes, words and long words at the output (CDOCR.COLS,
> > > CDOCR.COWS and CDOCR.COBS fields)
> > >
> > > This effectively allows to
> > >
> > > - capture the raw data produced by the sensor
> > > - capture YUV images produced by the sensor in packed YUV 4:2:2 format,
> > > from any Y/U/V order to any Y/U/V order
> > > - capture YUV images produced by the sensor in planar YUV 4:2:2 or planar
> > > YUV 4:2:0, from any Y/U/V order to any Y/U/V order
> > >
> > > The list of formats you create needs to reflect that. This means that
> > >
> > > - if the sensor can produce a packed YUV 4:2:2 format, the CEU will be
> > > able to output YUYV, UYVY, YVYU, VYUY, NV12, NV21, NV16 and NV16
> > >
> > > - for every non-YUV format produced by the sensor, the CEU will be able to
> > > output raw data
> > >
> > > The former is easy. You just need to list the formats produced by the
> > > sensor, and if one of them is packed YUV 4:2:2, flag that in the
> > > sh_ceu_dev structure, and allow all the above output YUV formats. You
> > > don't need to create an instance-specific list of those formats in the
> > > sh_ceu_dev structure, as they will be either all available or all
> > > non-available.
> > >
> > > The latter is a bit more complex, you need a list of media bus code to
> > > pixel format in the driver. I'd recommend counting the non-YUV packed
> > > formats produced by the sensor, allocating an array of sh_ceu_fmt
> > > pointers with that number of entries, and make each entry point to the
> > > corresponding entry in the global sh_ceu_fmts array. The global
> > > sh_ceu_fmts needs to be extended with common sensor formats (raw Bayer
> > > and JPEG come to mind).
> > >
> > > If all sensors currently used with the CEU can produce packed YUV, you
> > > could implement YUV support only to start with, leaving raw capture
> > > support for later.
> >
> > Ok, thanks for explaining.
> >
> > I have a proposal here, as the original driver only supported "image
> > fetch mode" (ie. It accepts data in YUYV with components ordering arbitrary
> > swapped) as a first step we may want to replicate this, ignoring data
> > synch fetch mode (Chris, you have a driver for this you are already
> > using in your BSP so I guess it's less urgent to support it, right?).
> >
> > Also, regarding output memory format I am sure we can produce planar formats
> > as NV12/21 and NV16/61, but I'm not sure I have found a way to output
> > packed YUVY (and its permutations) to memory, if not considering it a
> > binary format, as thus using data synch fetch mode.
> As I understand it, outputting packed YUV is indeed done using data synch (or
> enable, I'd have to check) fetch mode, and swapping components to convert
> between different YUYV orders is done through the CDOCR.COLS, CDOCR.COWS and
> CDOCR.COBS bits.

That's waht I wanted to have confirmed, thanks.

> > So, as a first step my proposal is the following one:
> > Accept any YUYV bus format from sensor, and support planar ones as memory
> > output formats with down-sampling support (NV12/21 and NV16/61 then).
> You can start with that, but from the same YUV bus format, you should be able
> to output packed YUV easily using data sync fetch mode. That can be
> implemented as a second step, it will just result in extending the hardcoded
> list of YUV pixel formats supported by the driver (as any YUV bus format can
> produce any of the four NV variants and any of the four packed YUV variants).

As a reference, I think it's data fetch sync mode. Data enable sync mode is
not even supported on RZ/A1H.

> The third step would be to enumerate the non-YUV formats supported by the
> sensor, and create a list of corresponding pixel formats that can be supported
> in data sync fetch mode. I'd leave that out for now.
> So, if you only implement the first two steps, you don't need to create a list
> of supported YUV formats at runtime, you only need to ensure that the sensor
> supports one YUV bus format, and you can hardcode support for all 8 YUV pixel
> formats in the CEU driver.

mmm, yes, actually there are many combinations leading to the same
result here... Ie. if I have to output NV21 and the sensor can produce YUYV
and YVYU it may be better to select the latter to avoid data swapping
on CEU side.. Or maybe I can just ignore it and chose the first YUYV format
the sensor provides and manipulate it on the CEU.

> > The way I am building the supported format list is indeed wrong, and
> > as you suggested I should just try to make sure the sensor can output
> > a YUV422 bus format. From there I can output planar memory formats.
> >
> > One last thing, I am not that sure how I can produce NV21/61 from
> > bus formats that do not already present the CbCr components in the
> > desired order (which is Cr then Cb for NV61/21)
> > Eg. Can I produce NV21 from YUYV though byte/word/long word swapping
> > (CDOCR.COLS/CDOCR.COWS/CDOCR.COBS) ? Won't I be swapping the luminance
> > components as well (see figure 46.45 in RZ/A1H TRM).
> No, the way the accommodate different YUYV orders at the input when outputting
> an NV format is through the CAMCR.DTARY field. The CDOCR.CO[LWB]S fields
> control data swapping at the output, before writing data to memory.

That's waht I meant....
> You should set the CAMCR.DTARY field to the order output by the sensor if you
> want to generate NV12 or NV16. For NV21 or NV61, just fool the CEU by
> pretending the sensor swaps U and V. For instance, if the sensor produces YUYV
> but you set CAMCR.DTARY to YVYU, the U and V components will be swapped at the
> input interface, and the NV12 output will become NV21.

Ah, neat hack!
I can now throw away the last three hours of coding, where I tried to
match the sensor provided components ordering with the resulting
memory output format... thank you :)

> > If I cannot do that, I should restrict swapped planar format
> > availability based on the ability of the sensor to produce
> > chrominance components in the desired order
> > (Eg. If the sensor does not support producing YVYU I cannot produce
> > NV21 or NV61). Is this ok?
> That would be OK if there was no way to swap U and V, but as you can, you can
> output all formats :-)

I'll try this...


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