Hi Tomasz,

On 03/15/2014 02:35 AM, Tomasz Figa wrote:
> Hi Chanwoo, Mark,
> On 14.03.2014 11:56, Chanwoo Choi wrote:
>> Hi Mark,
>> On 03/14/2014 07:35 PM, Mark Rutland wrote:
>>> On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 07:14:37AM +0000, Chanwoo Choi wrote:
>>>> Hi Mark,
>>>> On 03/14/2014 02:53 AM, Mark Rutland wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 08:17:29AM +0000, Chanwoo Choi wrote:
>>>>>> This patch add busfreq driver for Exynos4210/Exynos4x12 memory interface
>>>>>> and bus to support DVFS(Dynamic Voltage Frequency Scaling) according to 
>>>>>> PPMU
>>>>>> counters. PPMU (Performance Profiling Monitorings Units) of Exynos4 SoC 
>>>>>> provides
>>>>>> PPMU counters for DMC(Dynamic Memory Controller) to check memory bus 
>>>>>> utilization
>>>>>> and then busfreq driver adjusts dynamically the operating 
>>>>>> frequency/voltage
>>>>>> by using DEVFREQ Subsystem.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Chanwoo Choi <cw00.c...@samsung.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>   .../devicetree/bindings/devfreq/exynos4_bus.txt    | 49 
>>>>>> ++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>>>>   1 file changed, 49 insertions(+)
>>>>>>   create mode 100644 
>>>>>> Documentation/devicetree/bindings/devfreq/exynos4_bus.txt
>>>>>> diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/devfreq/exynos4_bus.txt 
>>>>>> b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/devfreq/exynos4_bus.txt
>>>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>>>> index 0000000..2a83fcc
>>>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>>>> +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/devfreq/exynos4_bus.txt
>>>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +Exynos4210/4x12 busfreq driver
>>>>>> +-----------------------------
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +Exynos4210/4x12 Soc busfreq driver with devfreq for Memory bus 
>>>>>> frequency/voltage
>>>>>> +scaling according to PPMU counters of memory controllers
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +Required properties:
>>>>>> +- compatible    : should contain Exynos4 SoC type as follwoing:
>>>>>> +          - "samsung,exynos4x12-busfreq" for Exynos4x12
>>>>>> +          - "samsung,exynos4210-busfreq" for Exynos4210
>>>>> Is there a device called "busfreq"? What device does this binding
>>>>> describe?
>>>> I'll add detailed description of busfreq as following:
>>>> "busfreq(bus frequendcy)" driver means that busfreq driver control 
>>>> dynamically
>>>> memory bus frequency/voltage by checking memory bus utilization to optimize
>>>> power-consumption. When checking memeory bus utilization, exynos4_busfreq 
>>>> driver
>>>> would use PPMU(Performance Profiling Monitoring Units).
>>> This still sounds like a description of the _driver_, not the _device_.
>>> The binding should describe the hardware, now the high level abstraction
>>> that software is going to build atop of it.
>>> It sounds like this is a binding for the DMC PPMU?
>>> Is the PPMU a component of the DMC, or is it bolted on the side?
>> PPMU(Performance Profiling Monitoring Unit) is to profile performance event 
>> of
>> various IP on Exynos4. Each PPMU provide perforamnce event for each IP.
>> We can check various PPMU as following:
>> PPMU_3D
>> DMC (Dynamic Memory Controller) control the operation of DRAM in Exynos4 SoC.
>> If we need to get memory bust utilization of DMC, we can get memory bus 
>> utilization
>> from PPMU_DMC0/PPMU_DMC1.
>> So, Exynos4's busfreq used two(PPMU_DMC0/PPMU_DMC1) among upper various PPMU 
>> list.
> Well, PPMUs and DMCs are separate hardware blocks found inside Exynos SoCs. 
> Busfreq/devfreq is just a Linux-specific abstraction responsible for 
> collecting data using PPMUs and controlling frequencies and voltages of 
> appropriate power planes, vdd_int responsible for powering DMC0 and DMC1 
> blocks in this case.

I knew already.

> I'm afraid that the binding you're proposing is unfortunately incorrect, 
> because it represents the software abstraction, not the real hardware.

What is exactly incorrect part of this patch?

> Instead, this should be separated into several independent bindings:
>  - PPMU bindings to list all the PPMU instances present in the SoC and 
> resources they need,
>  - power plane bindings, which define a power plane in which multiple IP 
> blocks might reside, can be monitored by one or more PPMU units and frequency 
> and voltage of which can be configured according to determined performance 
> level. Needed resources will be clocks and regulators to scale and probably 
> also operating points.
> Then, exynos-busfreq driver should bind to such power planes, parse necessary 
> data from DT (list of PPMUs and IP blocks, clocks, regulators and operating 
> points) and register a devfreq entity.

What is 'power plane'? I don't know 'power plane'.
If you suggest 'power plane' concept and then merge this concept to mainline,
After merged 'power plane' concept, I will apply 'power plane' concept to 
Exynos4's busfreq driver.

I prefer to handle 'power plane' concept on other patchset for Exynos4's 
busfreq driver.

Best Regards,
Chanwoo Choi

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