"Nicholas A. Bellinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The following is the first public release of the PyX Technologies iSCSI
> Initiator Core Stack v1.6.1.20 for Linux 2.6.11-rc4.  This is a full
> featured iSCSI Initiator stack that is capable of mulitplexing coast to
> coast across multiple independant backbone providers using various
> network transports _TODAY_.  This is the first release of the core stack
> and assoicated userspace tools, the accompanying authentication daemon
> will be released shortly.

Very cool - glad you're releasing this. I've gotten this setup and
running, but I can't seem to talk to my iscsi target.  The initiator
detects it, but it can't recognize the type:

iCHANNEL[0] - No defined iSCSI Authentication Methods, skipping 
SecurityNegotiation phase.
iCHANNEL[0] - iSCSI login successful on CID: 0 to,2
iCHANNEL[0] - Incremented iSCSI connection count to 1 to node: 
iCHANNEL[0] - Established iSCSI session to node: 
iSCSI Core Stack[1] - Incremented number of active iSCSI sessions to 1.
scsi: unknown device type 31
  Vendor: NETAPP    Model: LUN               Rev: 0.2 
  Type:   Unknown                            ANSI SCSI revision: 04

Any ideas on why this wouldn't be working?  Is there a configuration
step I'm missing?

Also, are you planning on updating the docs for the user tools at all?
There are several steps missing in the current README, and the man
page lists some parameters incorrectly and misses other entirely.

I'm looking forward to getting this working.
AJ Lewis                                   Voice:  612-638-0500
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