On 2012/9/20 9:47, Yijing Wang wrote:
>>> We compared the two situations after BIOS initialization, and found Max 
>>> Payload Size in DEVCTRL is 256B
>>> if FC card had been installed, if the slot is empty, Max Payload Size is 
>>> 128B. We force it to be 128B when
>>> FC card installed when system boot up. Finally pci hotplug becomes ok. So I 
>>> suspect maybe our PCIe hardware
>>> has problem supporting 256B.
>> Ah, this sounds like something I've been worried about for a while,
>> i.e., do we handle MPS correctly when we hot-add devices?
>> Yijing, I'm not quite clear on what you're observing.  I guess you're
>> saying that if an FC card is installed at boot, the BIOS sets MPS to
>> 256, and that if no FC card is installed, the BIOS sets MPS to 128?
> Yes.
>> You haven't mentioned any Linux boot options, so I assume you haven't
>> tried any.  Does "pci=pcie_bus_safe" make any difference?
> Yes, I don't add any Linux boot options before. I will try this boot option
> "pci=pcie_bus_safe".
>> Jon, here's a pointer to the beginning of the thread:
>> http://marc.info/?l=linux-pci&m=134770460302298&w=2 (full dmesg log at
>> http://marc.info/?l=linux-scsi&m=134788365823217&w=2).  I'm not sure
>> we have enough in the dmesg log to diagnose an issue like this.  I
>> wonder if it would be useful to log the current setting, so we could
>> notice BIOS default differences like this one.

Hi Bjorn,
   After add "pci=pcie_bus_safe" boot options, Hot-plug for FC card is OK.
It's great! Thanks for your help!

Giri, it's not the fc card problem, we fix this problem by add boot option
"pci=pcie_bus_safe" which force the MPS of the entire system to the smallest


>> Bjorn
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