On 4/15/2013 9:13 AM, Ewan Milne wrote:

>> patch could attempt to clear the check conditions from LUNs that share
>> the I_T.
> I think the mid-layer will handle that automatically.  If check conditions
> are reported the commands will have to be reissued.

        But, not automatically (unless i'm missing something again). The UA is 
going to
arrive when each lun gets sent a command, which could be a long time from the
initial UA if the lun is idle. Enough time, that the attempts to coalesce the
events are going to fail.

        I guess it depends on what you have udev doing when it gets the event. 
If it
triggers a rescan involving something besides inquiry/report luns then that will
trigger the remaining UA's from the luns on the target that changed. But if it
does something other than that, I don't see it by reading the
patch/scsi_scan.c code.

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