On Fri, 2014-02-07 at 15:59 -0500, Martin K. Petersen wrote:
> >>>>> "Kurt" == Kurt Miller <k...@intricatesoftware.com> writes:
> Kurt>    provisioning: lbpme=0, lbprz=0 Last logical block
>                        ^^^^^^^
> This indicates the SAT on the mpt2sas board didn't enable discard
> support for the drive.
> Please provide the full output of hdparm -I. Maybe we can get some clues
> as to why that is...

Thanks again.

#  hdparm -I /dev/sdc


ATA device, with non-removable media
        Model Number:       Samsung SSD 840 EVO 500GB               
        Serial Number:      S1DHNSAD921246E     
        Firmware Revision:  EXT0BB0Q
        Transport:          Serial, ATA8-AST, SATA 1.0a, SATA II Extensions,
SATA Rev 2.5, SATA Rev 2.6, SATA Rev 3.0
        Used: unknown (minor revision code 0x0039) 
        Supported: 9 8 7 6 5 
        Likely used: 9
        Logical         max     current
        cylinders       16383   16383
        heads           16      16
        sectors/track   63      63
        CHS current addressable sectors:   16514064
        LBA    user addressable sectors:  268435455
        LBA48  user addressable sectors:  976773168
        Logical  Sector size:                   512 bytes
        Physical Sector size:                   512 bytes
        Logical Sector-0 offset:                  0 bytes
        device size with M = 1024*1024:      476940 MBytes
        device size with M = 1000*1000:      500107 MBytes (500 GB)
        cache/buffer size  = unknown
        Nominal Media Rotation Rate: Solid State Device
        LBA, IORDY(can be disabled)
        Queue depth: 32
        Standby timer values: spec'd by Standard, no device specific minimum
        R/W multiple sector transfer: Max = 16  Current = 16
        DMA: mdma0 mdma1 mdma2 udma0 udma1 udma2 udma3 udma4 udma5 *udma6 
             Cycle time: min=120ns recommended=120ns
        PIO: pio0 pio1 pio2 pio3 pio4 
             Cycle time: no flow control=120ns  IORDY flow control=120ns
        Enabled Supported:
           *    SMART feature set
                Security Mode feature set
           *    Power Management feature set
           *    Write cache
           *    Look-ahead
           *    Host Protected Area feature set
           *    WRITE_BUFFER command
           *    READ_BUFFER command
           *    NOP cmd
           *    DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE
                SET_MAX security extension
           *    48-bit Address feature set
           *    Device Configuration Overlay feature set
           *    Mandatory FLUSH_CACHE
           *    FLUSH_CACHE_EXT
           *    SMART error logging
           *    SMART self-test
           *    General Purpose Logging feature set
           *    WRITE_{DMA|MULTIPLE}_FUA_EXT
           *    64-bit World wide name
                Write-Read-Verify feature set
           *    WRITE_UNCORRECTABLE_EXT command
           *    {READ,WRITE}_DMA_EXT_GPL commands
           *    Segmented DOWNLOAD_MICROCODE
           *    Gen1 signaling speed (1.5Gb/s)
           *    Gen2 signaling speed (3.0Gb/s)
           *    Gen3 signaling speed (6.0Gb/s)
           *    Native Command Queueing (NCQ)
           *    Phy event counters
           *    READ_LOG_DMA_EXT equivalent to READ_LOG_EXT
           *    DMA Setup Auto-Activate optimization
                Device-initiated interface power management
           *    Asynchronous notification (eg. media change)
           *    Software settings preservation
           *    SMART Command Transport (SCT) feature set
           *    SCT Write Same (AC2)
           *    SCT Error Recovery Control (AC3)
           *    SCT Features Control (AC4)
           *    SCT Data Tables (AC5)
           *    reserved 69[4]
           *    DOWNLOAD MICROCODE DMA command
           *    SET MAX SETPASSWORD/UNLOCK DMA commands
           *    WRITE BUFFER DMA command
           *    READ BUFFER DMA command
           *    Data Set Management TRIM supported (limit 8 blocks)
        Master password revision code = 65534
        not     enabled
        not     locked
        not     frozen
        not     expired: security count
                supported: enhanced erase
Logical Unit WWN Device Identifier: 50025388a003c374
        NAA             : 5
        IEEE OUI        : 002538
        Unique ID       : 8a003c374
Checksum: correct

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