On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 07:17:34AM -0700, James Bottomley wrote:
> No, I was waiting to check if there was any reason to have them split,
> but I think we've scope today or tomorrow.
> The only other outstanding thing is the fsync bug fix, which is waiting
> Jens' investigation of the block issues it may cause, but I'm inclined
> to send it anyway and fix up block later if there's a problem.

There's various fixes marked for stable from Paolos virtio_scsi update,
which he asked to be considered for 3.16, including a core one:

  [PATCH v3 4/6] scsi_error: fix invalid setting of host byte


  [PATCH] sd: bad return code of init_sd

seems like another candidate for 3.16.

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