> Well, the AFS paper that was referenced earlier was written around the
> time of 10bt and 100bt.  Local disk caching worked well then.  There
> should also be some papers at CITI about disk caching over slower
> connections, and disconnected operation (which should still be
> applicable today).  There are still winners from local disk caching, but
> their numbers have been reduced.  Server load reduction should be a win.
> I'm not sure if it's worth it from a security/manageability standpoint,
> but I haven't looked that closely at David's code.

One area that you might want to look at is WAN performance. When RPC RTT
goes up, ordinary NFS performance goes down. This tends to get overlooked
by the machine room folks. (There are several tools out there that can
introduce delay in an IP packet stream and emulate WAN RTTs.)

Just a thought, rick
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