On 15-10-20 10:13:34, Mimi Zohar wrote:
> On Tue, 2015-10-20 at 16:24 +0300, Petko Manolov wrote:
> > 
> > The code does not ties these keyrings around IMA.  The way i've done it, 
> > they are actually system wide keyrings and any other subsystem may use them.
> > 
> > Since there was no general discussion (hence agreement) that the Linux 
> > kernel need these keyrings i've put them within the IMA config options.  
> > For 
> > now only IMA users interested in creating CA hierarchy should use them.
> > 
> > > Basically, I'm trying to better understand the use case scenario.
> > 
> > To build CA hierarchy we basically need two things:
> > 
> >     - system wide keyring writable at runtime, i.e. .ima_mok;
> >     - system wide blacklist keyring writable at runtime, i.e. .blacklist;
> > 
> > .system is read-only and populated at kernel build time.  During the 
> > lifetime (as in runtime) of the machine we need to dynamically add tenant's 
> > certificates and IMA keys.  Without .ima_mok this can not be done easily 
> > because most of tenant's certificates are not available at krenel build 
> > time.  Most of these have one year of validity and must be replaced, while 
> > the router's uptime is typically much longer.
> > 
> > While the current kernel key code handles CA expiration it does not handle 
> > blacklisted certificates or keys.  The patch add checks to this keyring so 
> > any CA that has been compromised can't harm the system.
> > 
> > .ima_mok and .blacklist are IMA-enabled features for the moment not by 
> > semantics, but by policy.  I do think they should become system wide one 
> > day 
> > and there are good reasons to do so.
> All very good!  As we discussed, this can and should be upstreamed initially 
> for IMA.
> My question, however, has more to do with the last paragraph of the patch 
> description which says, "IMA blacklist keyring contains all revoked IMA keys. 
> It is consulted before any other keyring.  If the search is successful the 
> requested operation is rejected and error is returned to the caller."
> If the IMA blacklist keyring is for ALL IMA keys, those on the the original 
> .ima keyring and those on the .ima_mok keyring, then why is the Kconfig tied 
> to the .ima_mok keyring?  Does it make sense to have a blacklist keyring 
> without the .ima_mok keyring?  Should there be a separate Kconfig blacklist 
> keyring option?

Since having a proper CA hierarchy means access to both keyrings i never 
about separating them.  The blacklist keyring should be functional without it's 
counterpart so yes, i think it should be possible to have option for each of 
them, i.e. one for .ima_mok and one for .blacklist.

I am OK with finer granularity of the IMA options.  I wonder, though, whether 
the casual user will grasp the idea.

In short - do you want me to add separate options for the two keyrings in 

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