-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Real time/Serial programming
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2000 10:22:28 +0100
From: Remco Nonhebel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


My name is Remco Nonhebel, I'm a Dutch student Microelectronics and I
have to write a program to read data from three serial ports. This data
is coming from three pieces of hardware. Okay, the serial programming is
not the problem. The problem is that I have to add a time stamp to the
message coming from the hardware boards. These time stamps have to be
very accurate. I know i can use gettimeofday to get the time since Epoch
in milliseconds. To read data from the serial port i use a select on the
file descriptor.

For testing I am using a dos-pc (because it is not
multitasking/threading) that is sending little frames to my Linux  PC.

When I reviewed the time stamps the Linux PC added, I noticed they were
fixed to 10 milliseconds (no matter which baudrate). But I have to be
more accurate than that.... After a few test (with sending the data at
random times), I have concluded the problem is at the receiving side.

The code for getting the data from the serial port:

int highlevel_io_read(int fd, unsigned char *dest, int count, int
   char *description)
   int i, result;
   struct timeval tv;
   fd_set fdset;


   for (i=0; i<count; i+=result)
      if (timeout)
         FD_SET(fd, &fdset);
         tv.tv_sec  = timeout / 1000000;
         tv.tv_usec = timeout % 1000000;
         if (select(fd+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tv) < 0)
            log_log_errno(LOG_ERR, "select error on: %s", description);
            return -1;
         if (!FD_ISSET(fd, &fdset))
            log_log(LOG_WARNING, "timeout on: %s", description);
            return i;
      if ((result = read(fd, dest + i, count - i)) < 0)
         log_log_errno(LOG_ERR, "read error on: %s", description);
         return -1;
      /* end of file / closed socket */
      if (result == 0)
         log_log(LOG_DEBUG, "fd closed for: %s", description);
         return i;
   return i;

The timeout value for the select is 1 second

I have been trying to give the process realtime priority with:

  sch.sched_priority = 99;
  t = sched_setscheduler(0,SCHED_FIFO,&sch);

but that didn't make any difference.

Here's my question:
Why are the time stamps fixed to 10 milliseconds and what can I do to
get a more accurate time stamp?

I am not subscribed to the linux-kernel mailing list, so if you reply to
this mail, could you please reply it to:


or at least cc it to that address....


Remco Nonhebel

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