On Sat, 08 Apr 2000, Roland Stiebel wrote:

> I tried to program the serial port to talk to a Motorola embedded
> computer.

> After reading the serial-programing HOWTO I managed to read data from
> the embedded computer. But I did not manage to write data to the
> embedded computer.

> The serial-programing HOWTO does not say anything about writing data
> and the author does not answer my mails (well, the HOWTO is more than
> 2 years old and the author writes in it that he changed to NT,
> bummer!)

> Is there anybody who can help me?

I was supposed to take over the Serial-Programming-HOWTO a year ago.
The LDP (Linux Documentation Project) gurus demand that the HOWTO's be 
written in SGML, but there is no working versions of SGML.  The most
recent requires two or three additional packages (Jade, Python, LaTeX) 
all of which are monsters.  Now the LDP gurus want everything checked
into the archive with CVS.

As far as I am concerned, there are too many hoops to jump through
before the HOWTO's can be submitted.  After they are submitted, they
disappear into a blackhole somewhere because nothing has been posted
to comp.os.linux.answers in two years.

Apparently HOWTO writers are expected to donate their time and effort
to Debian, not the Linux community in general.

You can get my version of the HOWTO from:

ftp scicom.alphacdc.com

Login as "anonymous" then use your full e-mail address as the password.
For me, that is '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

cd pub/linux



It is included in the "serial_suite.?.tgz.  This is a collection of
blurbs about the care and feeding of the serial ports and some simple
programs.  There is a file demonstrating how the lock files should be
programmed. There is a simple getty, a dialer for ppp connections and
some other misc programs.


Vernon C. Hoxie                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3975 W. 29th Ave.                                        uucp: 303-455-2670
Denver, Colo., 80212                                    voice: 303-477-1780
       When everything's coming your way, you're in the wrong lane.

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