On Fri, Apr 14, 2000 at 07:17:42AM +0000, Sergey A. Ribalchenko wrote:

> Is there anybody have such a card - Computone Intelliport II?
> I compiled support for this card in kernel (2.2.14), but this card still
> is not initialized. What i can do with that card?

        Ok...  Since you didn't turn up my address, I guess that means
that you obviously didn't read the computone.txt file in the Documentation
directory.  That is the first step.  Go back and read that file.  Now.

        Second, there is no-way anywhere near enough information in your
message to even take a wild ass guess about what you did or did not do or
what might have gone wrong.

        I can't even tell for sure if you compiled this into the kernel
or compiled it as a module.

        Unless you KNOW exactly what you are doing, compile this as a
kernel module.  Yes, it can be compiled and hard linked into the kernel
but then you have to have edited the header files and set it up for the
correct ports and IRQs before building the kernel.  You build it as a module
and you can set those parameter in /etc/modules.conf.  You have to have it
working as a module before you can even pretend to think about compiling
it INTO the kernel.

        Once you have it compiled as a kernel module, make sure that
/etc/modules.conf is set up correctly per the instructions in the
Documentation/computone.txt file.  Then, and only then, can you do
a "modprobe ip2" to load the modules.  It actually loads 2 modules, ip2
is the initialization module, with the intelligent card microcode, and
can be unloaded after the board is initialized.  The ip2main module is
the actual running driver.

        After running modprobe, run lsmod to see if the driver modules
loaded and are still in memory.  If not, the driver is either not configured
with the correct parameters or the board is not working (next paragraph).

        Now, you can dump /var/log/message and see what the driver reported
it found.  If it didn't find a board, either your board is not configured for
the addresses (or bus type) you told the driver, or the board is not working.
If it's an ISA card, you have to configure the I/O address and the IRQ.
If it's a PCI card, you just have to indicate that it's a PCI card (set the
I/O value to 1).  The driver allows for a mix of PCI, EISA, and ISA cards
so you have to indicate where you want the PCI cards as far as card1, card2,
card3, card4 goes by setting the magic cookie I/O port.

        If you've now gotten that far, the driver reports something
like this in /var/log/messages:

... kernel: Computone IntelliPort Plus multiport driver version 1.2.9
... kernel: Board 1: addr=0x308 irq=5 <6>fv=1.3.6 lv=2.1.3
... kernel: IP2: EX box=1 ports=8 8 bit<6>

        Now you can also check proc for the driver information.

        /proc/tty/drivers should include these lines:

ip2                  /dev/cuf       72   0-255 serial:callout
ip2                  /dev/ttyF      71   0-255 serial

        You should also see something like this in /proc/tty/driver/ip2:

ip2info: 1.0 driver: 1.2.9
Driver: SMajor=71 CMajor=72 IMajor=73 MaxBoards=4 MaxBoxes=4 MaxPorts=16
Board 0: EX ports=8,0,0,0 boxes=1 width=8 minors=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Board 1: vacant
Board 2: vacant
Board 3: vacant

        [You'll see driver version 1.2.4.  1.2.9 has been submitted to
Linus and Alan but they haven't released kernel sources with that
version yet.]

        Now you can make the devices in /dev for the ports that are found.
There is a script sharred up in the computone.txt file.  All you have to
do is find a nice convenient directory to store the script it (/tmp works)
and "unshar .../linux/Documentation/computone.txt".  You'll then have a
script in that directory "ip2mkdev".  Run that script and it will parse the
proc files and create the appropriate devices ttyF{n}, cuf{n}, ip2ipl{n},
and ip2stat{n} for you in /dev.

        You should then be able to use your board.

        If any of this fails...  Report where it fails, what you were doing,
and exactly what error messages you got.

> Best wishes,
>         Sergey.

 Michael H. Warfield    |  (770) 985-6132   |  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  (The Mad Wizard)      |  (770) 331-2437   |  http://www.wittsend.com/mhw/
  NIC whois:  MHW9      |  An optimist believes we live in the best of all
 PGP Key: 0xDF1DD471    |  possible worlds.  A pessimist is sure of it!

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