On Sat, 13 May 2000, Marc SCHAEFER wrote

> Is it possible to use the POSIX interface to ttys (e.g. serial
> port), for example select(), to be awaken when modem control signal
> change ?

I don't recommend select() for this typw application.  It is designed
for use with sockets() and is more complex (slower) than other methods 
available with tty's.

> An application would be a special protocol where RTS, CTS, DSR, DTR
> lines are used as communication and special handshake lines, without
> specific delay needs. The protocol is specific and can't be changed.

> It would be possible to implement polling (ie busy waiting), but
> that's a bit strange since I think the hardware supports interrupt
> reporting.

Read my 'serial_suite.tgz'.  This is a collection of blurbs about the
care and feeding of the serial ports and some simple programs.  There is
a file demonstrating how the lock files should be programmed. There
is a simple getty, a dialer for ppp connections and some other misc

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