On Fri, 26 May 2000, Frank da Cruz wrote:

> So back to the original question: Does anybody have a theory why
> Kermit would lose incoming bytes on a non-flow-controlled
> serial-port connection at 38400 bps (or any other speed), when
> Minicom does not lose them on the same port at the same speed?

It sounds as if the getty is stealing characters.  Minicom relies on
the non-POSIX lock in the kernel.  This is invoked when using
/dev/cua*, it blocks the getty from opening the associated /dev/ttyS*
device.  However, this technique can also invoke the nefarious
"process respawning too often" error message from 'init(1)'.

Kermit does create the external uucp type lockfiles.  This procedure
requires a 'getty' which recognizes this type of lockfile.

See the "locks.blurb" in my "serial_suite.tgz".  This is a collection
of blurbs about the care and feeding of the serial ports and some
simple programs.  There is a file demonstrating how the lock files
should be programmed. There is a simple getty, a dialer for ppp
connections and some other misc programs.

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Paul may have to use a smarter 'getty'.  The one in the serial suite
isn't terribly smart but it does demonstrate the use of lockfiles.


Vernon C. Hoxie                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3975 W. 29th Ave.                                        uucp: 303-455-2670
Denver, Colo., 80212                                    voice: 303-477-1780
         If you ain't makin' waves, you ain't kickin' hard enough!

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