On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Dudley Fox wrote:

> I wrote a program that reads from the serial port as fast as it can,
> and I noticed that I was losing bytes. I figured it was because I
> didn't have flow controlled turned on, but after turning on RTSCTS
> flow control I am still losing bytes. I checked the uart with a
> logic analyzer, and it is funtioning properly (i.e. the RTS and CTS
> lines are asserted properly and in a timely manner).

One possibility is that your "getty" is stealing the bytes.  If the
"getty" does not exit when you are running your program, it will
continue to read the port.  If the /var/lock/ttyS* is not set by your
program or if your "getty" doesn't check for it, then the getty can

Read my 'serial_suite.tgz'.  This is a collection of blurbs about the
care and feeding of the serial ports and some simple programs.  There is
a file demonstrating how the lock files should be programmed. There
is a simple getty, a dialer for ppp connections and some other misc

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Read the blurb about lockfiles then read my "getty/getty_em.c" and the
"common/open.c" to see how I recognize the lockfile.  There is also
the "devlock-0.2" directory which has a library of functions you can

You may have to modify your "getty" to add the library functions.


Vernon C. Hoxie                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
3975 W. 29th Ave.                                        uucp: 303-455-2670
Denver, Colo., 80212                                    voice: 303-477-1780
            The box said "Requires Windows 95, NT, or better",
                           so I installed Linux.

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