Linux-Setup Digest #71, Volume #19                Tue, 4 Jul 00 10:13:06 EDT

  Re: Apache allow subdirectories? and how save *.zip? (Stan Towianski)
  Re: How to make a pc to a router ? ("Rev. Don Kool")
  Re: Partitions -  Findpart (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
  Re: Help! (Sid Thomas)
  Screen unreadable after running X (Tobias Vancura)
  suse: upgrading libc (Sven Burgener)
  Re: mailserver (Rick Schippers)
  Re: How could I share resources in Linux ? ("Robert")
  Re: How to make a pc to a router ? ("kostas apradakis")
  Re: Red Hat LILO Problem (Eric)
  Re: Can't access my /dev/hda1 partition (Leonard Evens)
  trident vid card ("Peter Strong")
  Re: Xfree86-4.0 and TrueType fonts ("Krzysztof Sulejczak")
  Re: Problems partitioning 40Gb drive w/ SuSE 6.4 (skeeter)
  Re: Weird Mandrake7.1/Windows interaction regarding partitions (Alberto BARSELLA)


From: Stan Towianski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc
Subject: Re: Apache allow subdirectories? and how save *.zip?
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 12:25:19 GMT


Thanks!  That's what I needed.  I used netscape composer to throw together
this quick test page and I used 'Browse File' to find the file link and it
giving me
the invalid path.  I just assumed it would do it correctly and did not pay
attention. and /files/ as you said do work.

I kept playing with the file/directory rights and the Apache config.


Akira Yamanita wrote:

> Stan Towianski wrote:
> >
> > <snip>
> > It points to the standard /home/httpd/html.  I have a simple link in my
> > index.html like:
> > <a href="/html/">whatever</a>
> > With netscape 4.73 I go to localhost, then add index.html and that works
> > fine.  But when
> > I pick the link, it does not ask me where to save like
> > I want.  It gives me:
> >
> > Not Found
> >
> > The requested URL /html/ was not found on this server.
> >
> > It will find another html link.  I at first created a subdirectory
> > called ./html/files.  It says
> > the same thing if I put the file in there, and I think it did not even
> > find an html file in here.
> > I know these might be 2 different problems.
> What do you mean it will find another html link? What's the full
> explicit path and how are you referencing it?
> example: /home/httpd/html/ is linked using "/".
> > I cannot find anything in the apache doc.s that tellls me if it
> > automatically lets you go into subdirectories
> > of html or not.  I looked at the <Directory> command, but it does not
> > say, and I cannot find anything
> > about how it will handle *.zip files.  I thought *.zip files were
> > automatically asked to be saved, or is my
> > netscape not set up with a mime-type for *.zip?  Do I have to do that
> > manually?
> >
> > 1.) I want to have an <a href> link to a (zip) file so when the user
> > clicks it he will be asked to download and save it.
> If /home/httpd/html is the document root and is in
> /home/httpd/html then /html/ as the link is wrong.
> The link should simply point to if the HTML file
> is in the same directory. If you're referencing a file from a
> different directory, you'll need to use the appropriate relative
> path or the full path.
> > 2.) How can I tell Apache to let me use subdirectories of /html or how
> > can I tell it a list of directories I want to use?
> Subdirectories inherit the access rights and options from above.
> Can you give better examples as to where on the filesystem the
> file is located (/home/httpd/html/files/ and how
> the file is referenced from the HTML document as a link?
> (/files/


From: "Rev. Don Kool" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,,comp.unix.admin
Subject: Re: How to make a pc to a router ?
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 12:45:32 GMT

Peter wrote:
> Hi
> I have three computers, using Linux as operative system.  I want to connect
> all of my computer to gather and make one of these computers as a router to
> my little network.
> I  could send and receive data from each computers. But I dont know how to
> make one of  them be a router? Should I use some special software to make it
> to be a router. Or I could configure Linux to be a router ?
> I would be very happy if you could give me some tips about router and how to
> make a router the software I should use or ...

        As your question is about LINUX, it is really off-topic for
"comp.unix.admin".  Your best bet if you need a router would be to
purchase a router.  CISCO sells many different kinds.  They probably
have one that will meet your needs.  If you want to try and use a
general purpose PC as a router, you should load Windows NT on it and
click the little checkbox under networking that says "Enable IP

                        Hope this helps,

**********************      You a bounty hunter?
* Rev. Don McDonald  *      Man's gotta earn a living.
* Baltimore, MD      *      Dying ain't much of a living, boy.
**********************             "Outlaw Josey Wales"


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Svend Olaf Mikkelsen)
Subject: Re: Partitions -  Findpart
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 12:47:18 GMT

"Rootz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>As is (apparently) common, I've managed to remove my windows D: drive while
>installing Linux (COL e2.4). Trawling through deja, I found a thread with
>similar problem, with a response with from Svend Olaf Mikkelsen
><[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. I downloaded and ran the referenced executable, and
>the output of findpart is here:

I replied in the newsgroup. The Cyldir search suggested is enclosed in

cyldir 1 261 1 2 256 32 512 cdir.txt resume.txt

Mail me the file resume.txt. Do not mail me cdir.txt, but tell me if
you find your missing files listed in cdir.txt.

Also get Finddir version 1.4 and do (rutendo2.bat):

finddir 1 261 1245 fp1-2.txt

Mail me the file fp1-2.txt. This search will take some time, maybe 30
minutes, maybe more, maybe less. If you for some reason want to stop
the search, then press Ctrl-Break. The purpose of this search is to
get more information about the lost partition, and to find a safe area
for copying files.

You can work on the PC during the search if the properties of the DOS
box is not set to suspend when in background.
Svend Olaf

begin 644 rutendo1.bat

begin 644 rutendo2.bat


Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 08:56:48 -0400
From: Sid Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Help!


> Hi there,
> I'm new to linux. I am installing OPEN_Linux2.2 on Compaq presario 7222
> (CPU P133, Mem 48m, HD 1.6g newly formatted). I follow the instruction
> and everything
> seems OK. (boot with lizard install, then put modules disk, then
> loading kernel OK
> Booting kernel OK
> Automatic hardware detection
> Probing for PCMICIA cards  none
> Probing for SCSI  hosts    none
> Probing for ATAPI CDROMS    OK
> Probing for other CDRDMS   none
> Probing for Ethernet cards  OK
> Automatic install source detection
> Installation from CDRM      OK
> PACKAGES    100%
> Then choose
> root password
> login name and password
> enable DHCP
> the rest select default )
> Then the grey "Finish" turns dark at the end of postinstall, I click
> it.
> The screen becomes command interface and bla, bla. Finally
> ...
> ...
> ...
> INIT: Switching to runlevel: 3
> INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal
> Then nothing appears alive for a few hours (at least 3 hours).
> The computer seems down, but it will respond to Ctrl Alt Del. And I
> will have to start installation all over again
> What is
> wrong? Any help is appreciated.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

  I had a similar problem with my presario. My problem was the S3 Trio 64+
video chipset. Even though there was a driver for it, I never got it work.
It may have been because it is an onboard video card. I bought a real
video card for it and install went pretty smoothly after that.

Good Luck,


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Tobias Vancura)
Subject: Screen unreadable after running X
Date: 4 Jul 2000 14:58:21 +0100


I am trying to install Linux on an old Compaq XE 466.
Everything works fine except that the text mode is
unreadable after running X. I.e., there are thin vertical
lines all over the screen and typing only inserts blanks.
The computer responds, such that one can restart the XServer

Any idea what the problem might be?

Cheers and  thank you very much, 


Tobias Vancura          Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


From: Sven Burgener <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: suse: upgrading libc
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 12:51:43 GMT


Has anyone had experiences with upgrading suse 5.{2,3} to 6.x?

I have a machine running here that needs to be upgraded as I want to
install the latest rsync on it. In the process of trying to install
rsync*.rpm, it said that rsync depends on glibc2 and so I thought
upgrading is necessary as glibc2 is not on any 5.3 cd.

Please CC me by email.

S. Burgener

Sent via
Before you buy.


From: Rick Schippers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: mailserver
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 15:02:49 +0200

>I want to setup a linux system to act as a mailserver for my LAN. I've
>installed RedHat 6.2 and qpopper and qmail to send / receive messages. This
>works well locally.
>But now I want the system to connect to the internet once in let's say half
>an hour to send the outgoing messages to the net en download the incoming
>messages with POP3 from my ISP.
>I use a 3COM ISDN LAN modem for my network to connect to the internet, which
>uses NAT.

To fetch your mail from POP3 accounts, you can use fetchmail. You
could set this up in a cronjob which connects to the internet every 30
I don't know about qmail, but sendmail can be instructed to not send
the mail immediatly, but wait for a certain command to send it, which
could be launched from the cronjob as well. Qmail probably has a
similiar feature, but you'll have to check the docs for that.



From: "Robert" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: How could I share resources in Linux ?
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 13:07:08 GMT

Thanks every body for your advices

Best Robert


From: "kostas apradakis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.networking,comp.unix.admin
Subject: Re: How to make a pc to a router ?
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 16:15:58 +0300

"Peter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
news:0Mi85.5336$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> Hi
> I have three computers, using Linux as operative system.  I want to
> all of my computer to gather and make one of these computers as a router
> my little network.
> I  could send and receive data from each computers. But I dont know how to
> make one of  them be a router? Should I use some special software to make
> to be a router. Or I could configure Linux to be a router ?
> I would be very happy if you could give me some tips about router and how
> make a router the software I should use or ...
> Thanks allot Peter

one good try would be to try using a proxy server.
as i may guess you have assigned ip addresses like
10.0.0.x or 169.254. ..................
 this means you have 2 options , one is masquaradin(the best)
and the othe is a proxy server (the simplest)


Subject: Re: Red Hat LILO Problem
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 12:38:24 GMT

> Everywhere it is written how to add Linux to an existing Windows PC,
> but how do you add Win98 to an existing Linux PC. I installed a second
> hard drive on the secondary IDE port, and installed Windows 98 on it by
> disabling the primary IDE port in BIOS. I then enabled the primary IDE
> port again and booted into Linux. I then tried to configure LILO to
> give the option of booting the Windows 98 drive, but when I boot the PC
> and choose Win98 in LILO nothing happens, the PC just sits there. Is
> what I am trying to do possible, or does Windows have to be on the
> first hard drive.
> What will happen if I swap the IDE ports for the hard drive and run an
> upgrade of the Linux installation. Will all my files on the Linux drive
> be preserved in this way??
> Any tips would be appreciated.
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

This should be possible, but since windows needs to believe it's on the
first HDD in your system, you'll need to trick it. There is an option in
(map-drive-to) that will do this for you.
I once ran in to a website that described it, don't know the url but
this is what was described there:

Boot Windows 95/98 from disk no 2 or later with Lilo
Explained with an example. A disk which was previously mounted as
primary master and has Windows 95 installed, is mounted as
secondary master and is now second harddisk.

Add to /etc/lilo.conf:

        map-drive = 0x81
        to = 0x80
        map-drive = 0x80
        to = 0x81
        table = /dev/hdc

Then run lilo.

BIOS numbers harddisks from 0x80. Second disk is 0x81 etc. On a
three disks system with IDE disks as primary master and slave
and secondary master, hdc is BIOS no. 0x82.

I've never tried it myself, so I'm not sure if it'll work, but it sure
looks OK to me.



From: Leonard Evens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Crossposted-To: comp.os.linux.misc,alt.os.linux,alt.linux
Subject: Re: Can't access my /dev/hda1 partition
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 08:05:39 -0500

> I've been running a intel p3 box with windows and mandrake linux 7.0
> side by side for a month or two now.  It was missing the development
> tools so I reinserted the CD and did an upgrade.  But when that was done
> and the computer rebooted, I couldn't find windows in my LILO boot.  So
> i went into my lilo.conf file and found out that it wasn't listed there.
> So i typed in other = /dev/hda1 and all the other junk that goes along
> with it.  Saved the buffer.  Then I typed in lilo and I got this error:
> "first sector of /dev/hda1 doesn't have a valid boot signature".  Then
> if I click on my disk 0 icon on my desktop (an alias to the windows
> drive) it says: "WARNING - mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad
> superblock on /dev/hda1 or too many mounted file systems".  I did an
> fdisk and the partution shows up under /dev/hda1.  Now, when I do fdisk
> is: The number of cylinders for this disk is set to 3328.  There is
> nothing wrong with that, but this is larger than 1024, and could in
> certain setups cause problems with:
> 1) software that runs at boot time (e.g., LILO)
> 2) booting and partitioning software from other OSs
>    (e.g., DOS FDISK, OS/2 FDISK)
> Next, I tried using my windows 98 boot disk and when I went into C:> and
> did a "dir" it said couldn't read media type on drive c (or something
> very similar to that).  Did a fdisk /MBR, and restarted and now said
> "Missing Operating System."  So I rebuilt the linux master boot record
> and I was at least able to once again go into linux which is what I am
> using now.  I'm not trying to bombard you with all my problems, but
> hopefully the more info I give the easier it will be for someone to help
> me with this problem.  I really need access to my windows partition, and
> if anyone can help me once again see my windows files....if even just to
> be able to back them up on CD's or Jazz disks or whatever, please please
> please lend a helping hand.  I apprecaite your time with this lengthy
> letter and can't wait to hear from someone;)
> Thanks again!
> Stu
> Sent via
> Before you buy.

It is not clear what you mean by doing and upgrade.  Did you just
install the additional packages you needed, or did you upgrade
to a new Mandrake release?

However, in neither case should it have affected your windows
partition.  An upgrade could have given you a new lilo configuration,
and you report that is what happened.   But that should have been
fixed by adding the other=/dev/hda1 section and running /sbin/lilo.
I've done this numerous times and never encountered a problem.

Most likely something happened to your windows partition.  I am
doiubtful that this had anything to do with the upgrade, but of
course one can never be sure.  Most likely it was the result of
something you did that you don't remember while attempting to
recover, or it could just be a coincidence.

Recovering you windows partition is something you should really
take up with a windows group such as
Perhaps some windows recovery software will help you.


Leonard Evens      [EMAIL PROTECTED]      847-491-5537
Dept. of Mathematics, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL 60208


From: "Peter Strong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: trident vid card
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2000 23:52:49 +1000

has anyone successfully installed RH6.0 or later on a machine with a trident
8400 PCI/AGP video card?
If so, could you point me in the right direction as to what I should be
doing - files to download etc...


From: "Krzysztof Sulejczak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Xfree86-4.0 and TrueType fonts
Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2000 12:55:59 +0200


>Section "Files"
>  FontPath "/home/moorse/ttfonts_from_win98"
you must have standard fot path in the Files section. It should look like

Section "Files"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/fonts/misc"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/fonts/75dpi"
  FontPath "/usr/X11R6/lib/fonts/100dpi"
  FontPath "/home/moorse/ttfonts_from_win98"

The most important is first path. There is alias to fixed font.



From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (skeeter)
Subject: Re: Problems partitioning 40Gb drive w/ SuSE 6.4
Date: Tue, 04 Jul 2000 14:03:34 GMT

On Mon, 03 Jul 2000 00:39:08 GMT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (C.J.) wrote:

>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (skeeter) 
>>>Try using the plain vanilla fdisk from Linux.  I had basically the same 
>>>problem you are having when I used Disk Druid from RedHat v6.1 to create 
>>>partitions.  When I created them manually using fdisk, I was able to assign 
>>>them and install just fine.
>>For my next dumb question, how can I do that in DOS from a Linux disk?
>>Since I don't have a linux to run, how do I go about it? Do I fire up
>>a bootable floppy?  Is a DOS "runnable" fdisk found somewhere in the
>>SuSE 6-disk distribution?
>You may be able to access it while booting from one of the Install CDs or 
>there may be diskette images you can use in your distribution.  When you boot 
>from CD, see if you can use Alt+F2 (or F3,etc) to switch to a terminal window 
>at any point and run fdisk from the command prompt there.  If not, and you 
>aren't sure where to get the bootable images or how to make the disks, post 
>again and let me know and I'll send you URLs for everything you need and some 
>directions for doing what you are after.

I tried what you suggested but the fdisk still indicated that the disk
had 1027 cylinders. I'm not really sure where to proceed at this
point. Should I change the modes of the disk from within the BIOS? I
don't really want to try that for fear of screwing something up. The
current setting in the BIOS is AUTO so it can decide on the mode to
use. My mobo is an ABIT KA7.


Subject: Re: Weird Mandrake7.1/Windows interaction regarding partitions
Date: 04 Jul 2000 16:12:18 +0200

[EMAIL PROTECTED] (David Efflandt) writes:

> Take a look at your partitions in Linux fdisk and see if any of them are
> not Linux or Linux swap.  You might also see if the partition order is
> jumbled (not in consecutive order).

Ok, I'll have a look.  The Mandrake partitioner is nice, but fdisk is
more powerful.

> Windows recognizes additions, but is not too bright about drive or
> partition removal.  Maybe all you have to do is remove all the disk
> related devices in Windows and reboot so it can put its house in order
> again.

Hmm....I don't remember changing the partitions.  Too bad I didn't
think about making a dump of the partition tables before and after

> Or it could be that BIOS creates a phantom drive because your
> drives are out of sequence (what is on hdb?).

hdb is the zip drive.  It was before the install and it still is, so I
don't think this is the problem.

PGP fingerprint = 13 3F 22 D2 0B 0A D3 25  F1 89 FE B5 82 AD 75 2A
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A non-functioning mind is clinically dead.  Believe in nothing... **



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End of Linux-Setup Digest

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